Friday, July 21, 2017

Small Stones

Essay by Trevor Salyzyn
Illustrations by Emily Wright

"Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere." -Blaise Pascal

Currency is man's imitation of nature.  We place value what we think good, a fact somewhat askew because currency, like the objects of value, can literally be anything; and, we buy rarely based on the best of habits.

In a perfect world, our habits would lead us to the greatest happiness for all.  We don't see this in our world, so so much for our utilitarian dreams.

The weakness of human desire causes us to consider social contracts: we give up several of our Rights and leave them to a higher Authority for the purpose of controlling ourselves.  We choose to obey because of selfish advantages of being in society.  As Hobbes said, a man without this central Authority lives a life "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

The idea of the social contract also appears in the writing of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and is still popular in some circles.  Several pre-Socratic philosophers (masters of pure reason) arrived at precursors to Hobbesian notions.

From the perspective of cultural advancement, these notions may need to be seriously looked at.  We take it as assumed that a man that doesn't labour is a mooch, even if that labour is completely useless.  We may have above all our heads those infinitely ironic words:  "work is freedom".

For every thought, there is a what if.  So: what is the alternative?

Let's take Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations as a marker at the gate to Enlightened Principles.  He introduced ideas like Gross National Product, Productivity, Supply and Demand, and Labour and Capital.  He cared about the wealth of the poorest class of people, as though capitalist principles are sufficient to ensure the greatest wealth distribution.

The telling question we must all answer is this: "should governments intervene in our markets?"

Is there an invisible hand guiding free market ethics?

I believe that we will see a new answer to this coming within the next few years, as the conversation about capital introduces a new layer to the architecture of trade.  Even ebay suffers from a weakness in the system: it requires trust to function.

The new economics is trust-free, and that makes all the difference.

As Adam Smith said: "Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence... but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the by the natural course of things."

So: government interference in the economy is not the most effective way to get good results.

As to the question of whether or not work is freedom, Adam Smith had this to say:  "The natural effort of every individual to better his own condition... is so powerful, that it is alone.... capable of carrying on the society to wealth and prosperity."

In other words, work is the natural condition of man.  It is not demeaning.

If the idea of cryptocurrency is a good one, may we borrow the words from the mouth of Confucius: "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones." -Confucius

This small stone is called "the twilight of trust".

But even this thought comes with it a what if.  Who controls our rights?  Can we ever give up our rights, or force the removal of rights to an individual?  Is a social contract necessary?  Are there several Inalienable Rights that must always be protected by a sovereign force if necessary?

Robert Nozick, in defense of anarchy, would argue that there is to be no government larger than the minimum required for protection of rights.  The government protects us from force, theft, and fraud, and enforces contracts.

With the information age, we have discovered that many things that would traditionally be considered theft or piracy are in no way protected.  At our thumb tips, we have the largest library of sounds, images, videos, and writings ever collected.  And soon enough, this will also prove to be the most stable library ever devised, as all transactions over the Pangalactic library will be contained in all computers that access it.

So, I do not believe that Inalienable Rights, such as professed by Nozick, are even possible to protect.  We may have to find new ways to attribute our cultural legacy to the right people -- in many cases, who is willing to pay.
There are already experimental currencies being developed that permanently affix a work's attribution to the correct artist.  An artist may make it impossible for anyone to view their work without a special key, a key that is created for free at the creation of the file.  As well, many videos that are completely free on the internet are still purchased over Netflix and other such information media.  As long as the cost isn't prohibitive, people are willing to pay.

Although theft may not be the easiest right to be protected, there are still forms of psychological violence that occurs over the Internet.  Bullies can cause suicide through their words; something like that is a violation of Inalienable Rights, which in this case means that it should be punished by a sovereign authority.

This small stone is called "government begins at violence".

Or, in the words of Aristotle: "The state comes into existence for the sake of life and continues to exist for the sake of good life."

We are ultimately in control: it is a conscious decision to partake in the social contract and respect the rights of others.  In our imaginations, we can see what is best, and what is a poor substitute for the best.

Sometimes, our imagination is still not enough; only practice and experimentation give us an accurate picture.  There are, for instance, several cryptocurrencies currently vying for power over the new frontiers of economic theory.  Since all the data from all these experiments is open source, there is a strong need for each to be as stable as possible.  The most popular cryptocurrency is the Bitcoin.

As I said, Bitcoin works, as opposed to traditional currencies, on a trust-free system.  This is the essential difference.  You don't need to know who you are trading with.  There is no central bank, but a bunch of nodes composed of all the thousands of people presently making BTC transactions.  Everything is transparent.

What this means is that someone can borrow the Bitcoin architecture to make a fully-functional competing currency.  One example of this is the INK architecture.  Purpose-built by Eric Martindale to make vast improvements to aging code, it will leverage the potential of large discussion forums to, for instance, allow for content-creators to get paid for their efforts.  There are enough side-efforts to keep this project fresh for years.

And for everyone who thinks of some improvement they can make to the global library:

"Every man... is left perfectly free to pursue his own interest in his own way... The sovereign is completely discharged from a duty (for which) no human wisdom or knowledge could ever be sufficient; the duty of superintending the industry of private people." -Adam Smith

Friday, May 26, 2017

Bitcoin Haikus

150 Bitcoin Haikus,
explaining economics, technology, and philosophy.
By Trevor Salyzyn

Scarcity is lack
When there is no longer lack,
You're postcapital.

Food, shelter, and drink:
All that we necessitate.
What else do we want?

Freedom of movement.
Freedom from wage-slavery.
Freedom of conscience.

A perfect system,
The Internet lacks nothing
But it's just info.

How can we apply
The lessons of Internet
To our capital?

Equity is fair.
But with crytoequity,
Where is ownership?

A transcendental,
Meta-economic thought:
"What is currency?"

Currency measures
Fairness, or the appearance
Of fair transaction.

The appearance of value
Determines value.

A fair transaction
Transfers, transcendentally,
Equity for cash.

Disrupt cash value
Destroy faith in the system
New systems emerge.

A novel system
Is already rising up.
We are pioneers.

What's the difference?
Since a credit card can fail,
Bitcoins act like cash.

More security:
One humungous, shared ledger
Of all transactions

Free society
Has, at its core, privacy
You must act in trust.

Don't use latest tech:
Futureproof the encryption
Test it over time.

Distributed trust
No prime agency is key
Permits greater speed

Permanent times stamps:
To maintain security.
Maintain the blockchain.

Deep security.
A blockchain is more hack-proof
Than a government.

Move forward in time
It's difficult predictions.
Move backward, it's not.

Complex to simple:
Causation needs more power
To process hashes.

A chain of hashes:
Each an individual
Movement of Money.

Own your own data
Get paid if it's valuable
End of Big Data.

Banks are post-paper
But still use paper logic:
It's horse and buggy.

Two billion people
Cannot afford bank account.
Stuck with microfees.

Banks aren't transparent.
Instead of using smart cash,
Take days to settle.

There's no incentive
To improve banking product,
Just to add in fees.

Pegged onto a hash,
Sidechains borrow resources
(Computing power).

It's with symmetry,
Freely shared information,
Banks make less profit.

Permissioned blockchains
For existing financiers
Wary of bitcoins.

Finish one, move on
I write this like a blockchain
Haiku to haiku

Increase time required
By appending some zeroes
To the start of hash.

Fully peer-to-peer
Currency evolution.
Trustless protocol.

Form philosophy,
Necessary core beliefs
To help understand.

How Satoshi thought
Subterranean desires
Is interesting.

The banks were bailed-out
Due to stock market crashing
Some change was needed.

Paypal stopped service
For WikiLeaks donations.
Spotlight on bitcoins.

Freeware banking apps
With more portability
Could soon replace banks

Bitcoins computate
To eight decimal places
Rather than hundredths.

Error-free ledger.
Complete, searchable data
In minutes, not days

Company secrets,
Using permissioned access,
Can be protected.

Robotic time stamps
Threaten audit companies
With obsolescence.

Limit government.
The bitcoin enterprise is

Miners behave with
Rational self-interest
Verifying facts.

One select miner
Adds next block to the block-chain
Every ten minutes.

Only consensus
Keeps the process running well.
No reward for cheats.

Cryptographic hash
Leads to seemingly random
String of bit data.

Debit and credit:
Double-entry accounting
What about a third?

Ledger's third copy
In bits of public blockchain
Thus: triple-entry.

What's core software's aim?
Really advanced bookkeeping.
A perfect ledger.

In this modern age,
We lose efficiency to
Clumsy bookkeeping.

Moral dilemma:
Should we centralize data
Of many clients?

Charge card transactions
Fraud and identity theft
Become possible.

When we pay with cards,
Some intermediaries
Hold our stats in trust.

Trust our financiers
Trust they won't wreck currency
Trust the printing press

We don't need such trust
We keep the complete records.
Cost of lies too great.

Like a lottery,
Find the nonce in ten minutes,
Before new one formed.

If two solutions,
Official one is based on
The next block's value.

Open source software:
One can freely alter it
And look at the code.

Bitcoin programmers
Conservative with changes
To default settings.

Immigrant workers
Can wire their money back home
Without crippling fees.

Peer-to-peer network
No intermediaries
Like handling of cash.

Within the blockchain
We all store the same ledger
One hundred percent.

Frozen in time, forever,
Once transaction made.

Solved problems such as:
How do computers all sync
Sans master ledger?

By mining bitcoin,
Zombie farm makes more money
Than double spending.

Peer-to-peer network
Appears more resilient
To government raid.

By printing money
Instead of raising taxes
Currencies inflate.

Changing mining ease
Controls bitcoin inflation
By faster hardware.

The longest blockchain
Is automatically
The official one.

Rare to a limit,
We can guess bitcoin supply
At a future date.

It is scarce like gold,
But portable like e-mail.
Measured improvement.

Where are bitcoins stored?
In addresses on blockchain.
Use with private keys.

How to get around
The double-spending problem?
Rehash full ledger.

Satoshi wrote code
Before he wrote white paper
To confirm it worked.

Public key decrypts
To validate transaction.
Private key encrypts.

Transaction request:
Address of payer, payee;
Amount of bitcoins.

A small change to block
Forms completely different
Cryptographic hash.

When trying to mine,
Trial-and-error solution.
Millions of attempts.

Vendors pull funds from account;
Bitcoins are pushed out.

Push reduces fraud,
Limiting vendor access,
And preventing charge-backs.

Bitcoins in ledger.
Keys authorize transactions
So store keys safely.

Casual users
Interact with their wallets.
Manage cash and keys.

Protecting network,
The more powerful machines
Run the Bitcoin Core.

Miners sync ledger
And validate transactions
With shared protocol.

What do miners gain?
They share computing power
For chance at new coins.

Mining reward speed
Is adjusted in real time
To power input.

Orphaned transactions
May take more than one cycle
To be included.

Proof-of-work trumps trust
The first entry that obtains
Is legitimate.

Miner incentive
When all twenty-one million
Bitcoins have been mined?

The transaction fees
Comes from pennies in all blocks.
Nodes are paid from that.

Credit cards and cheques
Can bounce days or weeks later.
Bits done in an hour.

Currently pays middlemen
Transfers should be free.

The smallest fraction
One one-hundred millionth
Is one satoshi.

Coins can be coloured.
A satoshi represents
A deed for a car.

When coloured bitcoin
Is transfered, it is timestamped:
Time owner changes.

Program real-world goods.
Such as a temporary
Digital car-key.

Company issues
Programmable smart money
To limit credit.

One key per address
Is only the default mode.
Can do multi-sig.

Two-of-three wallet
Requires two sigs to open.
Can be further scaled.

Over peer-to-peer:
Sell internet connection
With a fingerswipe.

For transparency
Should voting be on block-chain?
What are benefits?

Currency needs to be scarce;
Easily divisible;
One hopes, portable.

Solid currency:
It needs to be durable;
Valued over time.

Bitcoin is all this
Except it's decentralized
And programmable.

A genuine risk,
Fifty-one percent attack,
Could destabilize.

Is bitcoin a threat?
How will governments respond
To mathenomics?

Confirmation time:
Speed versus security
Is a real trade-off.

Like evolution
Being an algorithm,
So too is e-cash.

Test of a theory.
Exchange without force or fraud:
Nozick's self-owners.

With self-ownership,
Nobody has rights to you,
Or to your labour.

Just minimal state --
Protecting from force, fraud, theft --
Remains efficicent.

Success of Bitcoin
Is a point for anarchy:
Proof that it can work.

Everyone has rights
That noone may infringe on.
May? Or rather, can.

State monopoly
Upon the usage of force
Violates our rights

Is in the worst case
A state superior to
Best-case anarchy?

When building a state,
The whole procedure must be
Moral, in good faith.

Against the state's rights:
What one may do to Other
Is what state may do.

State in non-state terms
Fundamentally explains
Government theory.

Even wrong theory
How state could have arisen
Helps explanation.

The state of nature:
Perfect freedom to do all
But harm Other's rights.

The indignity:
To agree to state control
Is to be Measured.

Without punishment:
Injustice on injustice.
How to end a feud?

In state of nature
One may not be strong enough
To protect one's rights.

Groups of individuals
Can help enforce rights.

This is protection,
Like number of honest nodes
Working together.

In case of dispute,
Third party can be summoned
Even if not State.

Power to enforce,
If third party is not State,
Must be guaranteed.

Two parties may opt
For represention by
Two distinct agents.

In the above case,
If two agencies differ,
Third agent brought in.

The third agency,
Up until now not needed,
Is federal mode.

Of necessity:
From anarchy arises
A minimal state.

A requirement.
Common protective systems
To solve differences.

Scaled economies,
The division of labour,
And market pressures.

All, when combined with
Rational self-interest,
Is minimal state.

From state of nature,
Rational self-interest
Becomes rule of law.

A monopoly
A state has on use of force,
Not a state without.

For example, One:
Outsider group have own laws.
Punish by own rules.

For example, Two:
One may pay for protection
To distinct degrees.

Invisible hand:
Adam Smith's economics.
What's the opposite?

Hidden hand theory,
Controlled from shadows above:
A conspiracy.

A few generals,
Some loyal; some traitorous,
Surround a city.

For siege to succeed
Armies must coodinate
Through foot-messengers.

Loyal generals
Must be able to agree
On plan of attack.

Disloyal leaders
Must not cause loyalists to
Adopt a bad plan.

When a computer
Gets conflicting messages
It's like Generals.

Byzantine problem:
Guarantee same messages
To all generals.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance:
Loyals all agree.

How to guarantee?
A network in parallel
Forms a proof-of-work.

Every general
Receives hash data from each
And computes the hash.

The majority
Is the rule they all obey:
"Traitor tolerance".

Wisdom of the crowd:
The best plan is made by most.
Traitors can't stop it.

Further Reading

Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease. Byzantine Generals Problem.

Nozick, Robert. Anarchy, State, and Utopia

Vigna, Paul and Michael Casey. The Age of Cryptocurrency

Tapscott, Don and Alex. Blockchain Revolution

Patterson, Steve. What's the Big Deal About Bitcoin?

Jeffrey, Mark. Bitcoin Explained Simply

Champagne, Phil. The Book of Satoshi.

If you found this entertaining, please consider donating to my Circle bitcoin wallet @ 1DdWwRWwhQKgB45cxRN2bXb4j4P32R3gjr